Import Item Ingredient Update
Import Item Ingredient Update
Update ingredients for an item variation. For example, the item is Chicken Noodles and the ingredients used to prepare are chicken(50g), noodles(200g), sauce(20ml), onion(50g), cabbage(100g), masala(10g). Chicken noodles served with a disposable plate(1 Nos) and spoon(1 Nos). You can also add a plate and spoon under ingredients.
Item Variation SKU: SKU of the item variation (Chicken Noodles).
Location : Ingredients location of the item variaPopularImport Price Category
Import Price Category
An Item can be sold with multiple price tags. For example, Noodles default price is 10$. The same item can be sold at multiple prices.
15$ in A/C price category
17$ in Home Delivery
For this sheet to be uploaded the "Price Category" has to be created and item variation "Pricing Type" should be "Multi". Refer Price Category Setup doc
Price Category Name: Unique name for price category. For exPopularImport Item Price Update
Import Item Price Update
Update the price of Item variation.
SKU: SKU of the item variation for which the price to be updated.
Locations : Inventory location of the item variation, if the price update has to be done for multiple locations, separate the locations with a comma. For example Location1,Location2,Location3
Price: Update selling price of the item variation.
MRP: Update MRP of the item variation.
Buying Price: Update buying price ofPopularImport Item
An item has to be always associated with a category and tax components. For example, if we want to import the following items
Lay’s BBQ
Lays BBQ 100g
Lays BBQ 200g
Chicken Legs
Chicken Legs 2pcs
Chicken Legs 4pcs
Lays BBQ and Chicken Legs has 2 variations each.
Items display in POS
On clicking Lays BBQ, the following popup with the 2 item variations will open.PopularUpload/Import Files
Download Sample
Multiple records can be imported into the system using import feature.
The following buttons available on the top right corner:
Download Sample
Import File
Download Sample
Press this button to download the sample XL sheet. The following sheets are available:
Transfer OrderSome readersImport Stock Update
Import Stock Update
Update the stock availability of item variation.
SKU: SKU of the item variation.
Updated Stock: Updated stock count of the item variation.
Locations: Inventory location of the item variation, if the stock update has to be done at multiple locations, separate the locations with comma. For example Location1,Location2,Location3Some readersImport Item Variation Update
Import Item Variation Update
Update details of item variation.
SKU: Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item variation for which the details have to be updated.
Name: Updated variation name of the item.
Description: Updated description of the item.
Type: Updated variation type of the item.
sale - To indicate the item is for sale.
combo - To indicate the item is a combo. A combo item is the parent item under which you can associate multipleSome readersImport GRN
Import GRN
Once the goods are received through PO, the GRN is created automatically. GRN can also be created individually through which one can receive items but cannot have track over the payments.
PO Ref Number: Reference number of the Purchase Order where GRN already exists. Multiple GRNs of the same PO can be imported, where GRNs are grouped under a single PO reference number. If you are creating a new GRN, this column can be left empty.
Invoice No: GRN invoice nuSome readersImport Sales Order
Import Sales Order
Reference Number: Reference number of a sales order.
Multiple items under a sales order can be imported, which are grouped under a single reference number.
Multiple sales orders can be imported, which are grouped under different reference numbers.
Location Name: Sale location name.
Device Name: Stock transferred to location name.
Navigation: Main Menu --Account & Settings --Licences --Name
Employee Username: Employee’s user nameFew readersImport Tax
Sample sheet contains demo data for reference. Have data only in the sheets which are to be imported and delete information in the other sheets. For example, if we are configuring Taxes, Categories and Items, delete information in other sheets. After filling the required details, save and close the XL.
Step 1: Go to Upload/Import Files in the main menu.
Step 2: Click View Sample to download the sample upload XL.
Step 3: In the view sample, go to Taxes sheet.
Step 4Few readersImport Category
Sample sheet contains demo data for reference. Have data only in the sheets which are to be imported and delete information in the other sheets. For example, if we are configuring Taxes, Categories and Items, delete information in other sheets. After filling the required details, save and close the XL.
Each item belongs to a category. Choose a generic name for the category. For example Toys, Fruits, Vegetables, Breakfast, Dinner, etc.
Step 1: Go to Upload/Import Files in the main menu.Few readersImport Purchase Order
Import Purchase Order
Purchase orders are raised, approved by the authorized personnel, goods are received, GRN generated automatically, payments made against GRN’s. Once the full payment is made the PO is closed.
Expected Delivery Date: YYYY-MM-DD expected delivery date of the purchase order.
Ref Number: Reference number of the purchase order.
Multiple items under a purchase order can be imported, which are grouped under a single reference number.
Multiple purchaseFew readersImport Customer
Import Customer
First Name: First name of the customer.
Last Name: Last name of the customer.
Email: Valid email id of the respective customer.
Date Of Birth: DOB of the customer.
Gender: Gender of the customer.
Phone Number: Valid phone number of the customer.
Group: Enter the respective group under which you want the customer to be categorized.
Code: Unique code for the customer using which you can filter easily at the timFew readersImport Floor Tables
Import Floor Tables
Floor Name: Name of the floor under which the tables are to be created.
Table Name: Number of the table in the respective floor.
Locations Name: Location where the floor and tables has to be created.
Seat Count: Amount of space the table has available for customer seating.
Price Category Name: Unique name for price category. For example A/C, parcel, etc.Few readersImport Item Inventory Tax Update
Import Item Inventory Tax Update
Update the tax of item variation.
SKU: SKU of the item variation.
Locations: Inventory location of the item variation, if the tax update has to be done at multiple locations, separate the locations with comma. For example Location1,Location2,Location3
Tax: Updated tax component of the item variation. If an item has multiple tax components, separate tax components with comma. For example tax1,tax2,tax3Few readersImport Waste Management
Import Waste Management
Ref Number: Reference number of the waste management order.
Multiple items under a waste management can be imported, which are grouped under a single reference number.
Multiple waste management orders can be imported, which are grouped under different reference numbers.
Location Name: Location where stock has been wasted.
Assignee Username: Approver's user name, who should approve the waste.
Notes: Reference notes for the wastage orFew readersImport Item Variation Attributes
Import Item Variation Attributes
Attributes can be added to variations. For example, the item Tomato has different weights. Tomato (250g), Tomato (500g), Tomato (1kg). In this case you can create attributes for the respective item variations and map the attribute values to the corresponding weights.
SKU: SKU of the item variation (Tomato 250g).
Attribute Name: Name of the attribute (Weight).
Attribute Value: Value of the attribute (250).
Attribute Label: Label of the attributeFew readersImport Transfer Order
Import Transfer Order
Stock transfer from one location to another.
Ref Number: Reference number of the transfer order.
Multiple items under a transfer order can be imported, which are grouped under a single reference number.
Multiple transfer orders can be imported, which are grouped under different reference numbers.
From Location Name: Stock transferred from location name.
To Location Name: Stock transferred to location name.
Assignee Username:Few readersImport Indent
Import Indent
Invoice Number: Invoice number of the indent.
Location Name: Name of the location from where you want to raise the indent.
Assignee Username: Name of the person whom this indent is being raised.
Notes: Notes for your reference.
Item Name: Name of the item variation.
SKU: Sku of the item variation.
Indent Date: Date of the raised indent.Few readersImport Item Variation Groups
Import Item Variation Groups
Name: Name of the modifier (Extra Toppings).
Option SKU: SKU of the modifiers.
Multi Choice: To select either one of the modifier. ( 1 = enable, 0 = disable).
Type: To indicate the type of item. ( modifier orFew readersImport Item Update
Import Item Update
Updating an item from one category to another category. For example, the item chicken is currently under meat category but if you want to change the item to ingredient cateogory.
Name: Name of the existing item which you want it to change to a different category.
Current Category Name: Name of the current category.
New Category Name: Name of the new category to which you want the item to be changed to.Few readersImport Discount
Import Discount
Name: Name of the discount ( Buy 3 get 1 free ).
Locations: Select the location(s) at which the discount has to be active.
Code: Self created coupon code which can be used to avail the discount at online store.
Valid From: Select the Start date of the discount.
Valid To: Select the End date of the discount.
Days: Select the days(Mon-Sun) on which the discount sFew readers