Articles on: Upload/Import Files

Import Waste Management

Import Waste Management

Ref Number: Reference number of the waste management order.

Multiple items under a waste management can be imported, which are grouped under a single reference number.

Multiple waste management orders can be imported, which are grouped under different reference numbers.

Location Name: Location where stock has been wasted.

Assignee Username: Approver's user name, who should approve the waste.

Notes: Reference notes for the wastage order.

Item Name: Name of the item variation.

SKU: SKU of the item variation.

Quantity: Quantity of wasted stock.

MRP: Maximum Retail Price of the item.

Buying Price: Buying price of the item.

Selling Price: Selling price of the item.

Received Date: YYYY-MM-DD the received date of the item from the purchase order.

Stock Adjustment Type: Select from the following reason

loss - Item lost.

expired - Item expired.

damage - Item damaged.

Batch Id: Batch ID of the item.

Note: Columns names marked with RED colour in View Sample XL sheet are mandatory fields.

Updated on: 06/10/2021

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