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Import Item Variation Update

Import Item Variation Update

Update details of item variation.

SKU: Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item variation for which the details have to be updated.
Name: Updated variation name of the item.
Description: Updated description of the item.
Type: Updated variation type of the item.
sale - To indicate the item is for sale.
combo - To indicate the item is a combo. A combo item is the parent item under which you can associate multiple items of type sale.
ingredient - To indicate the item is an ingredient.
modifier - To indicate the item is an Add-On or extra. For example extra cheese, vegetables, etc.
Unit Of Measurement: Updated unit of measurement of the item.
count - To indicate the item is sold in numbers / pieces.
weight - To indicate the item is sold in kilograms.
volume - To indicate the item is sold in litres.
length - To indicate the item is sold in units of length. Example meter, centimeter, etc.
time - To indicate the item is sold in units of time. Example hour, minute, second, etc.
capacity - To indicate the item is sold in units of capacity.
area - To indicate the item is sold in units of area. Example square-meter, square-kilometer, square-mile, etc.
other - If your option is not found, choose other.
Name Alternate Language: Updated alternate language of the item variation.
Barcode: Updated Barcode of the item variation.
Alternate Code: Updated Keyboard shortcut of the item variation.
HSN: Updated Harmonized System Nomenclature(HSN) of the item variation.
Min Price: Updated minimum price under which the item variation cannot be sold.
Max Price: Updated maximum price beyond which the item variation cannot be sold.
Enable Weighing Scale: Updated weighing scale status of the item variation. Value can be either 0 or 1.
0 - Disables weighing scale feature.
1 - Enables weighing scale feature.
Enable Free Of Cost: Updated free of cost status of the item variation. Value can be either 0 or 1.
0 - Disables free of cost feature.
1 - Enables free of cost feature.
Food Type: Updated food type of the item variation.
veg - Vegetarian food
nveg - Non vegetarian food
egg - Eggeterian food

Note: Columns names marked with RED colour in Download Sample XL sheet are mandatory fields.

Updated on: 06/10/2021

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