Articles on: Upload/Import Files

Import Item

An item has to be always associated with a category and tax components. For example, if we want to import the following items

Lay’s BBQ
Lays BBQ 100g
Lays BBQ 200g

Chicken Legs
Chicken Legs 2pcs
Chicken Legs 4pcs


Lays BBQ and Chicken Legs has 2 variations each.

Items display in POS

On clicking Lays BBQ, the following popup with the 2 item variations will open.

If Lays BBQ 100g, Lays BBQ 220g, Chicken Legs 2pcs and Chicken Legs 4pcs are to be displayed as 4 items in POS, create them as 4 separate items.

Item Name: Unique name for the item.
Lay’s BBQ
Chicken Legs

Category Name: Category name to which the item belongs.
Chips for Lay’s BBQ
Meat for Chicken Legs
Fruits for Oranges

Item Description: Description of the item.
Lay's BBQ Flavored Potato Chips for Lay’s BBQ
Chicken Legs Finest Quality for Chicken Legs
Australian Oranges for Oranges

Variation Name: Variation name of the item.
Lay's BBQ 100g for Lay’s BBQ
Chicken Legs Finest Quality for Chicken Legs
Australian Oranges for Oranges

Alternate Language: Variation name can be given in required languages and can be printed on the bill. Example Arabic, Tamil, Hindi, etc.

Variation Type:
sale - To indicate the item is for sale.
combo - To indicate the item is a combo. A combo item is the parent item under which you can associate multiple items of type sale.
ingredient - To indicate the item is an ingredient. (Available only for Restaurant and QSR)
modifier - To indicate the item is an Add-On or extra. For example extra cheese, vegetables, etc. (Available only for Restaurant and QSR)

Unit Measure Type:
count - To indicate the item is sold in numbers / pieces.
weight - To indicate the item is sold in kilograms.
volume - To indicate the item is sold in litres.
length - To indicate the item is sold in units of length. Example meter, centimeter, etc.
time - To indicate the item is sold in units of time. Example hour, minute, second, etc.
capacity - To indicate the item is sold in units of capacity.
area - To indicate the item is sold in units of area. Example square-meter, square-kilometer, square-mile, etc.
other - If your option is not found, choose other.

SKU: Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item variation and is unique. No two items should have the same sku.

Barcode: Barcode of the item variation.

Max Price: Maximum price beyond which the item variation cannot be sold.

Min Price: Minimum price under which the item variation cannot be sold.

Selling Price: Selling price of the item variation.

Buying Price: Buying price of the item variation.

Pricing Type: Item can have only one pricing type. Either fixed or variable or multi.
fixed : Fixed pricing, selling price cannot be changed during sale in POS.
variable : Variable pricing, selling price can be altered during sale in POS.
multi : Item has multiple prices categories and can be sold in different prices.

Stock: Inventory stock of the item variation in numbers / pieces / litres / kilograms.

Tax: Tax component of the item variation, if the item has multiple tax components, separate multiple tax components with comma. For example VAT 5%,GST 5%
Navigation: Main Menu --> Items --> Taxes
Tax name is case sensitive and copy the tax name given in the Tax sheet. If the tax is already created, copy from "Main Menu --> Items --> Taxes" and paste in the XL.

Locations: Inventory location of the item variation, if the item has to be added in multiple locations, separate locations with comma. For example Marina,Eldams Road.

Navigation: Main Menu --> Account & Settings --> Locations
Location name is case sensitive and available under "Name" column. Copy and paste in the XL.

Device: KOT device name applicable only for restaurant and qsr. Leave it empty if there is no KOT device.
Navigation: Main Menu --> Account & Settings --> Devices
Device name is case sensitive, copy from "_Main Menu --> Account & Settings --> Devices_" and paste in XL. If there are multiple KOT’s, paste the corresponding kot name against the items.

Track Inventory: 1 - To track the inventory of the items when sold, returned, transferred and purchased. If no tracking needed leave it empty.

Food Type : Food type of the item variation.
veg - Vegetarian food
nveg - Non Vegetarian food
egg - Eggeterian food

Alternate Code : Keyboard shortcut of the item variation. Type the corresponding numbers and press enter in the POS to add the item in the cart. For example
1 for Australian Oranges
11 for Lay’s BBQ 100g
12 for Lay’s BBQ 200g
211 for Chicken Legs 2pcs
212 for Chicken Legs 2pcs

HSN: Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) of the item variation.

MRP: Maximum retail price of the item variation (MRP applicable only in India).

Stock Alert Quantity: Quantity below which the system will display a warning.

Note: Columns names marked with RED colour in View Sample XL sheet are mandatory fields.

Updated on: 23/03/2022

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