Self Service Kiosk
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new feature for our Self Service Kiosk solution, which is intended to transform the restaurant dining experience. This upgrade gives clients the ability to simply place orders without having to wait in a big queue, with integrated hassle-free online payment.
A self-service kiosk acts as a self-order POS system. Customers can place and pay for their own orders at kiosks. This enables totally contactless and frictionless service. Customers enjoy the opportunity to buy with no waiting and no delay.
Cost savings on labor and staffing.
Increased efficiency and reduced waiting times.
Improved customer experience and convenience.
Navigation : POS Admin (Backend) → Accounts & Settings → Locations → Actions → Generate KIOSK link

You can now download the QR code or copy the URL and use it in the KIOSK.
Customer can either scan the QR to order or use the KIOSK which is already having the URL.

The order will be received on the Online Order tab in the POS with an notification sound. Accept the order and start preparation.

Once the ordered is ready click complete

Self Service Kiosk
A self-service kiosk acts as a self-order POS system. Customers can place and pay for their own orders at kiosks. This enables totally contactless and frictionless service. Customers enjoy the opportunity to buy with no waiting and no delay.
Cost savings on labor and staffing.
Increased efficiency and reduced waiting times.
Improved customer experience and convenience.
How to setup the Self service kiosk?
Navigation : POS Admin (Backend) → Accounts & Settings → Locations → Actions → Generate KIOSK link

You can now download the QR code or copy the URL and use it in the KIOSK.
Customer can either scan the QR to order or use the KIOSK which is already having the URL.
Placing order through KIOSK

Processing the KIOSK order
The order will be received on the Online Order tab in the POS with an notification sound. Accept the order and start preparation.

Once the ordered is ready click complete

Updated on: 03/06/2023
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