Carton Quantity Flow
What is Carton Quantity flow?
The Carton Quantity flow refers to the process of packaging items into various units, based on the desired packaging format for sale. Each unit of measurement contains a distinct quantity of items.
For example, let's consider Pepsi. It can be sold in cartons, boxes, or as individual pieces, with each unit having its specific quantity. When an item is sold, the corresponding stock is appropriately reduced.
Unit Of Measurements creation
Navigation: Backend → Account & Settings → Unit Of Measurements → Add UOM
1. Pieces UOM creation

Name: Name of the UOM
UOM Type: Select the appropriate UOM Type (count).
Enable "Is Item UOM Attribute"* option
Integer: Enter the Integer place unit (Eg. pcs)
Decimal: Enter the decimal place unit (If available)
2. Box UOM creation

Name: Name of the UOM
UOM Type: Select the appropriate UOM Type (Box).
Enable "Is Item UOM Attribute"* option
Integer: Enter the Integer place unit (Eg. Box)
Decimal: Enter the decimal place unit (pcs)
3. Creation of Carton UOM

Name: Name of the UOM
UOM Type: Select the appropriate UOM Type for the Carton.
Integer Place Unit: Enter the Integer place unit (Eg. Carton)
Decimal Place Unit: Enter the decimal place unit (Eg. Box)
Item Creation
When creating an Item Variation, the Unit of Measurement (UOM) options that were previously created will be listed in the UOM field. You can select the appropriate UOM based on the item you are configuring. Let's consider the UOMs created:
Carton: UOM - Carton
Box: UOM - Box
Pieces: UOM - Pieces
When selecting an item, you can choose the specified UOM accordingly. For example, if you select "Carton," the UOM will be "Carton," and so on for the other items.
Create a item with new UOM
A) Pepsi
Select the Unit of measurements Pieces.
Enable the "Primary Variation" option

UOM Attributes is not required for the Primary variation
B) Pepsi Box
Select the Unit of Measurement (UOM): In this case, we'll choose "Box" as the UOM.

In the UOM Attributes → Add Attributes (UOM)
When configuring Unit of Measurements (UOMs) for your items, you can define specific attributes and their corresponding values.
Define the Attribute and Value:
Attribute: In this example, the attribute is "Pieces." This represents the number of individual pieces contained within each Box.
Value: Specify the quantity of pieces in a Box. In this case, the value is 5.
To summarize:
UOM: Box
Attribute: Pieces
Value: 5
This indicates that each Box contains 5 pieces of the item, such as Pepsi.

C) Pepsi carton
Select the Unit of Measurement (UOM): In this case, we'll choose "Carton" as the UOM

In the UOM Attributes → Add Attributes (UOM)

Define the Attribute and Value:
Attribute: In this example, the attribute is "Pieces." This represents the number of individual pieces contained within each Carton.
Value: Specify the quantity of pieces in a Carton. In this case, the value is 25.
To summarize:
UOM: Carton
Attribute: Pieces
Value: 25
This indicates that each Carton contains 25 pieces of the item.

Stock Calculation based on UOMs and Attributes
In order to accurately calculate and manage your stock, the system utilizes specific Unit of Measurements (UOMs) and their corresponding attributes. Let's consider an example using the following values:
1 Carton = 25 Pieces = 5 Boxes
1 Box = 5 Pieces
Receiving Items:
When receiving a certain quantity of items, the system will automatically calculate the stock based on the UOMs and attributes defined. For instance, let's assume we receive 27 pieces of Pepsi:

Box Calculation:
The system calculates: 27 pieces ÷ 1 Box Value (5 pieces) = 5 Boxes with 2 Pieces remaining.
Stock Calculation Result: 5 Boxes 2 Pieces.

Carton Calculation:
The system calculates: 27 pieces ÷ 1 Carton Value (25 pieces) = 1 Carton with 2 Pieces remaining.
Stock Calculation Result: 1 Carton 2 Pieces.

Selling Items:
When selling a certain quantity of items, the system will calculate the stock based on the UOMs and attributes. Let's use an example where we sell 2 Boxes of Pepsi:
Box Calculation:
The system deducts: 2 Boxes.
Stock Calculation Result: 3 Boxes 2 Pieces (since there were initially 2 remaining Pieces in stock).

Carton Calculation:
The system deducts: 2 Boxes * 1 Box Value (5 pieces) = 10 Pieces to be deducted.
Stock Calculation Result: 0 Carton 17 Pieces (since there were initially 17 remaining Pieces in stock).

By utilizing these calculations, the system ensures accurate stock management by automatically adjusting the quantities based on the defined UOMs and their corresponding attributes.
Note: The specific UOMs, attributes, and calculations may vary depending on the system configuration.
Updated on: 18/07/2023
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