Price Categories
Price Categories
Price categories allow creating multiple pricing for the individual item. For example, Item: Coke Cola's store price is $1 but its online price is $1.5. In this scenario, the price category is used to create multiple pricing.
Types of Price categories
Base Price category: Allows creating multiple pricing for the individual item
Time Based Price category: We could create the multiple item pricing for a particular time period. This pricing will apply only for the period of time.
1. Base Price category
Navigation: POS Backend → Items → Price Categories

Step 1: Click Create Price Category button. The “Create Price Category” pop opens.

Step 2: Fill the necessary details and Click Save.
Type*: Base Price/Time Based Price (Base Price in this scenario)
Name*: Unique name for the price category. For example "Take Away".
Value Type*: Choose from the drop-down,
Fixed: Fixed value to increment/decrement on Selling Price. In our example Selling Price is 90, so the online value will be 90 + 5 = 95
Percentage: Percentage of value to increment/decrement on Selling Price. In our example Selling Price is 90, so the online value will be 90 + 4.5 (5% of 90) = 94.5
Value*: The value to be increment/decrement on Selling Price. A positive value for increment and a negative value for decrement. In our example, the value is 5.
Taxes: Taxes can also be configured for "Take Away" sales. If no tax is associated, the item will be sold without any tax.
Labels: Additional information printed in the bill. For example, we have given Label “Platform Name”, while billing the user will be prompted to enter data. Since this product is sold online, the user can enter Amazon, eBay for reference to represent where this product is sold.
*Mandatory Field

2. Time Based Price category
Step 1: Click Create Price Category button.
Step 2: Fill the necessary details and Click Save.
Type*: Base Price/Time Based Price (Time Based Price in this scenario)
Name*: Unique name for the price category. For example Happy Hour Pricing
Value Type*: Fixed/Percentage (Percentage in this scenario)
Value*: Enter the value as -5 which means you are going to give 5% discount for the period of time.
Time Period Type*: Date range/Days in a week (Select anyone based on your availability)
Date range: Create 2% Happy hour price category from Jan 12 2022 12.30pm to Jan 18 2022 10.30pm
Date and Time Range: Select the Date and Time Range as shown in below image.

Days in a week: Create 5% Happy hour price category (Days: Saturday & Sunday Time: 12.30pm - 03.30pm)
Time Range Select the Time Range
Days in a week Select the Days from the dropdown (Saturday & Sunday in this scenario)

Mapping price category to an item.
Manual: For every item variation, set up "Pricing Type" as "Multi" and add the "Item Pricing".

Import: We could update the item price categories with the use of item sheet
For the pricing category to be activated, the item variation "Pricing Type" should be "Multi". Refer Import Item Price Update help document
For configuring price for each item, Refer Import Price Categories help document
Video Tutorial:
Updated on: 08/03/2022
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