Modifiers are extra toppings like cheese and veggies which can be added to a pizza or burger. These add-on options allow customers to customize the food according to their preferences.
Create Modifiers
Navigation: Items → Items Library → Create Item
Modifier creation involves the following steps:
Create Item
Create Variation
Add Inventory
Association of modifier to parent variation.
Create Item - Press Create Item button. The Create Item pop-up opens, fill in the details and save.

Create Variation - Press Add Variation button.

The variation screen opens, fill the details and ensure that you select the item variation type as modifier - To indicate the item is an Modifier, and then save.

Add Inventory - After creating the item variation, Add inventory for that variation.

Association of modifier to parent variation - Associate the modifier to the respective item variation to which you want it to be an add on.

Name: Extra Cheese (Unique name for the modifier).
Alternate Name : Alternate name for the modifier
Options: Select the modifiers from the dropdown.
Is Multi Choice : To select either one of the modifier.
Default First Select Option : First modifier will be selected by default.
Maximum Option Selectable : To specicy the maximum number of modifiers to be added.
Create Modifiers Using Excel Sheet
Download the sample sheet.

Fill the required data in the sheet.
Note: Sample sheet contains demo data for reference. Have data in the sheets which are to be imported and delete information in the other sheets. For example, in our case we are configuring modifiers so keep the required sheet which is Item Variation Update and delete information in other sheets. After filling the required details, save and close the XL.

Name : Name of the modifier.
Option SKU's : SKU of the modifiers.
Multi Choice : To select either one of the modifier. ( 1 = enable, 0 = disable)
Type : To indicate the type of item. In our case it is modifier.
Parent Variation SKU : SKU of the parent variation.
Updated on: 18/09/2021
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