Attribute Values
Attribute Values
Attributes include the physical characteristics of products. Such as weight, quantity, size, price, etc. It is mainly used in E-Commerce (Customer app) and transferring the items from parent to child.
Create Attribute Values
Navigation: Backend → Items → Attribute Values
Press the Create button. The Create Attribute pop-up opens, fill in the details and save.

Attribute: Select the attribute which we want to use for mapping, from the dropdown. For example, Weight, Size, Color
Label: This label will be reflected in customer app, For example, 1 KG, 500g, 1l
Value: Enter the value of the attribute. For example, if you selected the attribute as Weight, then enter the value as 1, 0.500, 0.250

How attributes are used in the Customer app?
To group the item variations under the dropdown, we need to map the attribute for the item variations.
Backend → Items → Item Library → View Items → Inventory → Attributes tab → Add Attributes button.

The pop opens, Select the attributes and value from the dropdown, Click Save. For example, Attribute: Weight, Value: 1

Map the attributes for item variation as below: -
Item variation: Wheat 1 Kg, Attribute: Weight, Value: 1
Item variation: Wheat 1/2 Kg, Attribute: Weight, Value: 0.500
Item variation: Wheat 1/4 Kg, Attribute: Weight, Value: 0.250
After mapping the attributes, Goto Backend → Account & Settings → Locations → Actions → Sync Items

Open the customer app, check the item Wheat is under the dropdown.

How attributes are used in transferring the items?
To transfer the items from parent to child, create a parent variation and map the child variation with the use of attributes.
While creating a parent variation, select the Unit of Measurement as Weight (kg) and click the Primary Variation field.

While creating a child variation, select the Unit of Measurement as Count, no need to click the Primary Variation field.

Note: Both parent and child variations must be under a single item

Map the attributes only for child variations, no need to map the attribute for parent variation

After mapping the attributes, Goto Backend → Inventory Management → Stock → Search the Parent Variation → Action → Transfer to Items

Transfer to Items pop-up opens, Select the From location & To location and Child variation from the dropdown

Enter the Quantity as parent variation. For example, if parent variation's UOM is Weight (kg), then enter the Quantity: 5 and select the child variation is 1 kg. It transfers the 5 counts to child variation. If we select the child variation is 1/2 kg, it transfers the 10 counts to child variation.

To check the transfer details, Goto Backend → Inventory Management → History

While transferring the items from parent to child, parent variation's quantity is decreased and child variation's quantity is increased as displayed in the above image.
Updated on: 05/10/2021
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