Waste Management
Waste Management
Navigation: Main Menu --> Inventory Management --> Waste Management
Waste Management order is raised to manage the damaged, expired and lost goods. Click three dots under the "Actions" column to view the waste management details.
Step 1: Click "Create Waste Management Order" button to create a new waste management order.
Step 2: Fill the following details in "Create Transfer Order" form and save.
Wastage Location: Select the location to where the goods are expired/damaged/lost.
Approver: Select an employee name who is going to approve the waste management order.
Notes: Reference notes for the waste management order.
Item Name: Select the item name from the list.
Batch: Select the batch number of the item.
Current Stock at Location: Displays the current stock quantity of the item at the Ship To location.
Buying Price: Buying price of the item in the selected batch is populated which cannot be modified.
MRP: MRP of the item in the selected batch is populated which cannot be modified.
Selling Price: Selling price of the item in the selected batch is populated which cannot be modified.
Stock Adjustment Reason: Select the reason for wastage:
Loss: Item lost.
Expired: Item expired.
Damaged: Item damaged.
ADD: To add the item in the list.
REMOVE: To remove the item from the list.
Step 3: A waste management order is created with status in "PENDING", edit and delete options can be performed. Approve the waste management by pressing the "Approve" button.
Step 4: Once the status changes to "APPROVED" and Click on "Complete" button.
Step 5: A waste management order is completed and stock quantity is updated in the corresponding location's inventory.
Updated on: 24/07/2021
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