Navigation: Main Menu --> Inventory Management --> GRN
GRN is raised to receive goods without the need for payment. Where as in purchase orders, the payments are tracked. Click three dots under the "Actions" column to view the GRN details.
Step 1: Click "Create GRN Order" button to create a new GRN.

Step 2: Fill the following details in "Create Transfer Order" form and save.
Vendor: Select vendor from where the goods are purchased.
Ship To: Select ship to location to where the goods are delivered.
Receiver: Select an employee name who is going to receive the GRN.
Notes: Reference notes for the GRN.
Item Name: Select the item name from the list.
Current Stock at Destination Location: Displays the current stock value of the item at the destination(Ship To) location.
Buying Price: Current buying price of the selected item is populated which can be modified to the new price.
MRP: Current MRP of the item is populated which can be modified to the new MRP.
Selling Price: Current selling price of the item is populated which can be modified to the new selling price.
Receive Stock: Enter the quantity to be received.
Expiry Date: Select the expiry date of the item.
ADD: To add the item in the list.
REMOVE: To remove the item from the list.

Step 3: A GRN is created with status in "PENDING". Edit and delete options can be performed.

Step 4: Approve the GRN by pressing the "Approve" button . After approving the status changes to "APPROVED". Then click on "Complete" button.

Step 5: Once the GRN is complete the stock quantity is updated in the corresponding location's inventory.

Updated on: 24/07/2021
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