Articles on: Inventory Management

Indent Management

Indent Management

Navigation: Main Menu → Inventory Management → Indent → Indent Management

Indent orders are created and managed in this section.

Create Indent Order

Click "Create Indent Order" button to create a new Indent order.

Vendor: Click “Raise Sales Request to Vendor” checkbox. Select the vendor from where the goods are purchased.
Ship To: Select the shipping location to where the goods are delivered.
Expected Delivery Date: Select the expected delivery date.
Purchase Indent Date: Select the billing date of Indent Order
Category: Select the category of goods • Fnv: Fruits and vegetables. • Fmcg & Grocery: Fmcg and grocery items.
Notes: Notes for the Indent Order.

Select the “Select variation” dropdown to add a new item. Enter the receive stock and click “Add” button.

Approval process, validate the Indent Order and make changes if necessary. Once approved the Indent Order cannot be edited.

Clicking "Details" will take you to the Indent details and " Export " will download high level Indent orders details in a PDF file.

The indent order is received in Natasha Traders account as Sales Request. Natasha Traders will process the Sales Request.

Updated on: 29/09/2021

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