Store Settings
Website Settings
Navigation: Main Menu --> Accounts & Settings --> Store Settings
Basic Domain: The website URL of your store under domain.
Custom Domain: Enter your custom domain purchased from a domain provider like godaddy etc, for your online store. Follow the instruction to configure the custom domain.

General Settings
Logo- Upload the business logo.
Default User Location: Default location of the online store.
Social Media Links: Social media links of your business. Will be displayed in your online store and customer app.
Support Contact Details: Techincal support contact details for your oniline store users.

Catalog Settings
Show out of stock: By default the out of stock items will not be displayed in online stores. By enabling this option, the out of stocks items will be displayed in the online store marked as “Sold Out”.
Show tax split up: By enabling this option, tax split up details will be dispalyed against each item in online store.
Track Online Inventory: Enabling track online inventory helps you to track real-time inventory stocks for your online store. If the stock goes to "0" or below, the will be shown as "out of stock".

Order Preparation Time
Total Time: Total time taken to prepare the food after confirming the order.
Grace Time: Grace time given to complete the preparation after exceeding the total time limit.

Order Cancellation
Enable Cancellation: By enabling this, order cancellation will be available in the online store.
Customer Cancellation: By enabling this, customers get the option to cancel order once it is placed.
Maximum Time within the order has to be cancelled: Enter the maximum time (in minutes) within a customer can cancel the order after placing.
Order Status Applicable to Cancel Order: Select the applicable status to cancel the order.
#Delivery Partner Cancellation
Enable Delivery Partner Cancellation: By enabling this delivery partner gets the option to cancel the order.
Order Status Applicable to Cancel Order: Select the applicable status to cancel the order for delivery partner.

Theme Color: Theme color of the customer app.
Dark Theme: By default the app has white background, enabling the dark theme displays black background with white text.
Fill Navigation Bar:
Login Background: Image for login background.
Default Tab: Default landing page of the application.
Home Page Settings
Show Banners: Enable this to display banners in the customer application.
Categories: Enable this to display categoriies in the customer application.
Show Best Selling Items**: Enable this to display the top 5 best selling items in your online store.
Show Reccomended Items: Enable this to display the reccomended items on your online store. Recommended items are populated if you select Is Recommended in the item variation tab.
App Store Links
Download links of the customer app.
Google Play Store: Google Play store app link.
Apple Store: Apple store app link.


Updated on: 17/02/2022
Thank you!