POS Settings
POS Settings
The following options are available under settings:
Daily Report Emails
KOT Receipt
Capture Customer Signature``: Allows to capture the customer signature during billing.
Send Sms after Transaction: Sends the transaction details SMS to the customer after the transaction.
Enable Tracking Empty Containers: This option is for water supply companies to manage their empty containers.
Customer Wise Pricing: This option is for water supply companies to sell a product at multiple prices to multiple customers.
Reprint Receipt option after Sale: Enables the provision of manually reprinting a sale transaction receipt.
Enable Customer Select Mandatory: Prompts to select a customer from the available list during a sale.
Enable Cash Management: Tracks cash-in and cash-out amount during a shift and prints the cash summary in the Sales Summary report after clockout.
Round Off Order Total: Enables the rounding off on order total.
Print Item Name alternate Language: Primary printing language is English and if an item name has to be printed in the local language like Arabic, Hindi, Tamil, etc. For this to be printed the item should be given a name in the Name Alternate Language field during item variation creation and import.
Daily Report Emails
Daily Consolidated report is usually prepared by the end of the day and provides decision-makers with a clear understanding of the organization's performance for that day. It can be used to identify areas of improvement or to make strategic decisions based on the information presented. It contains information on sales revenue.
How to enable daily consolidated mail?
Set Business Hours (opening & closing time).
Navigation: POS Admin → Accounts & Settings → Business profile

Enter the mail ID under the Daily Report Emails tab and then click Add.
Navigation: POS Admin → Accounts & Settings → POS Settings → Daily Report Emails

The information printed on the bill can be managed in this section. One can enable/disable options, increase/decrease font size and custom text to be printed on the bill can be configured.
KOT Receipt
The information printed on the KOT receipt can be managed in this section. One can enable/disable options and increase/decrease font size to be printed on the receipt. For the changes to reflect in the bill, logout and login into the POS. This option is available only for restaurants and qsr.
Settings for the custom barcode, where the barcode contains information about item, quantity and price. Configured based on two parameters, Price Length and Quantity Length. Works only for item(s) whose unit of measurement is in weight(kgs).
Price Length: Number of characters to indicate the price of an item.
Price Decimal Lenght: Number of digits followed by the decimal point.
Quantity Length: Number of characters to indicate the quantity of an item.
For example, in the below screenshot:

Price Length is 5 ($$$¢¢) - The first three characters represent Dollars and last two are Cents. The first three can be extended to any number based on our requirement, with 3 the max price is 999$, with 4 the max price is 9999$ and so on.
Quantity Length is 6 (KKKGGG) - The first three represent Kilograms and last three are Grams. The first three can be extended to any number based on our requirement, with 3 the max qty is 999kg, with 4 the max qty is 9999kg and so on.
The barcode of an item is XXX, so with this setting the barcode looks like XXXPPPPPQQQQQQ. First 3 X’s representing item information, Middle 5 P’s representing Price and last 6 Q’s representing Quantity in weight.
Let 11199950100500 be the barcode printed on the label,
111 indicates the item identifier, which is recorded as barcode against the item.
99950 indicates 999$ and 50¢.
100500 indicates 100kgs 500g.
Custom Sale
An item has to be first created in website or POS to be available for sale. In case if you want to sell an item which is not available in the system, you have to add the item in the item database which might take a few seconds. Instead you can create one custom item in the item database and associate the item to custom sale. This item will be available in POS under custom sale section. You can set custom name, price and tax for the item and add to the cart for sale which will save your time.
For example, "Custom Item" is set with with default name, price and tax. During billing you come across "Axe Deodrant" which is not available in POS. You can edit the name from "Custom Item" to "'Axe Deodrant", default price to deodorant's price and default tax to deodorant's tax and add the item to cart.

Timing Based Report
From and To time interval can be set for the breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner. This will enable the Time Filter in Reports --> Item Sales, accordingly you can filter items sold in various time intervals of a day.

Updated on: 17/03/2023
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