Release Notes - 22 February 2023
Release Notes - 22 February 2023
We have implemented the following feature in our PosBytz application.
Credit Outstanding Flow
Resend SMS Option
Upload features
Bug Fixes
To update POS refresh the application by clicking the PosBytz icon top left corner.

1. Credit Outstanding Flow
Customer's order outstanding and the total outstanding amount captured against the sales in the Backend
Navigation: POS Admin (Backend) → Sales → Transaction → Actions → View

The total outstanding amount will be captured in the PDF

The credit sales will be in "Open" status until the credit is paid.

The credit outstanding amount can be paid against that order in the backend
Navigation: POS Admin (Backend) → Sales → Transaction → Actions → View →Pay Outstanding Amount

The status will get changed to "Completed", When the credit is paid against the order.

2. Resend SMS Option
New option to resend the transaction SMS to the customer
Navigation: POS Frontend → Sales → Receipt → SMS
Transaction SMS is a Addon feature. Contact us at for the details.

3. Upload Features
Bulk upload "Vendor" against the items.
Vendors can be added against the item in bulk with ItemVariationVendors sheet

Bulk upload "Low Stock Alert" against the items.
Low stock alert for the items can be uploaded in bulk with ItemIventoryUpdate sheet

NOTE: The Item upload format can be download from POS Admin (Backend) → Upload/import Files → Download Format
4. Bug Fixes
Split Credit payments - Not reflecting on customer outstanding
Now the Split Credit payments will reflect against the customer
Updated on: 23/02/2023
Thank you!