Release Notes - 28 June 2023
Release Notes - 28 June 2023
We are excited to introduce a new modifiers layout that enhances our PosBytz merchant's experience. This release brings several significant changes to the way modifiers are displayed and selected.

App Update Details
Windows Complete: Latest version 4.0.24
Here are the highlights of the release:
1. Horizontal Tabs Alignment:
To provide a more streamlined and intuitive interface, the modifiers are now aligned as horizontally displayed tabs. This layout improvement allows for easier navigation and selection of modifiers.
2. Item Selection Section Relocation:
The item selection section has been moved below the modifiers display. This change enhances the visibility of modifiers and simplifies the process of selecting and customizing items.
3. Selected Modifiers Preview:
We have introduced a new feature that allows merchants to preview their selected modifiers. This preview provides a visual representation of the modifiers applied to an item, giving merchants a clearer understanding of how the modifications will appear.
4. Resetting All Modifier Selections:
We have added a convenient feature that allows merchants to reset the entire selection of modifiers with a single action. This reset option provides a quick and efficient way to start over and make new modifier choices.
5. Resetting Modifier Level Selections:
The merchants can now reset the selection of modifier levels. This option simplifies the process of removing specific modifier level choices, allowing for more precise customization.
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope this update further enhances your experience with PosBytz Software.
Updated on: 30/10/2024
Thank you!