Release Notes - 19 July 2023
Release Notes - 19 July 2023
We are excited to announce that we have implemented new features and made improvements to existing ones in our PosBytz Software. This release includes a number of new features, improvements and bug fixes, all designed to enhance your experience with our application.
Here are the highlights of the new features:
Visual representation of table statuses
Price category value applied on modifier
Online order status filter
Capture Customer Detail in Waiter App
Track Cancelled Table Order in Admin Portal
Advance Order Preparation Report
New Invoice Template
Spanish Language
Modifier Quantity
UOM (Unit Of Measurement) Creation
1. Visual representation of table statuses
Previously, table status were indicated by two colors
Green: Indicates a free table.
Red: Indicates an occupied table.

The billed table also indicates in red color. It changes to green color once the bill is paid (green indicates table is free). However, there is no notice for the table is already billed and going to be free. Based on valuable merchant feedback, we have implemented a new feature to address this issue.
With the latest update, in addition to free and occupied status,The table which is in billed status will be indicated by yellow color. The billed status is nothing but the table order is billed and going to free in short time. By this feature, you can track status of the table which are going to get free soon, it will help in managing the waiting time for new customer.
Green: Indicates a free table.
Red: Indicates an occupied table, all or some of the orders are not yet billed.
Yellow: Indicates a table with all order are billed and ready to be freed.

Note: This feature is applicable only for restaurant.
2. Price category value applied on modifier
Previously, the price category value could only be applied to items. However, we have made an update that allows you to apply the price category value to modifiers as well, similar to how it works for items. This enhancement provides more flexibility in managing and categorizing pricing for both items and modifiers.

3. Online order status filter
Previously, the default order status filter only displayed active orders. To enhance convenience and improve understanding of the filter functionality, we have made some updates. Now, the order status filter generates results for orders of all statuses. Additionally, we have introduced a new filter called Active, which is selected by default and displays only active status orders.

4. Capture customer detail in waiter app
When creating a table order through the waiter app, you have the option to add customer details. If the customer is already registered, you can search for them using either their Name or Phone number. The search results will display both the name and phone number, allowing you to select the correct customer. In the case of a new customer, a field is provided for registering their name and phone number.

5. Track cancelled table order in Admin portal
With the latest update, administrators now have the ability to view cancelled table orders on both Reports -> Kot Items and Sales tab. This enhancement provides better visibility and tracking of cancelled orders for administrative purposes.
Navigation: POS Admin → Sales → Transactions

Navigation: POS Admin → Report → KOT Item

6. Advance order preparation report
For advance order, now you can see the consolidated items report by click Preparation Report button from Advance order tab. This report contains list of item name and item belonging category and total quantity to be prepared on particular time period (selected date on date filter by default). You can also filter the list by date, category name and item name.
Navigation: POS Frontend → Advance order → Preparation report

7. New Invoice Template
Based on the valuable feedback we received from our merchants, we have introduced two pre-designed invoice templates for you to choose from. This feature allows you to select the invoice template that best suits your requirements. To access and select the invoice template kindly follow the navigation below.
Navigation: POS Admin → Accounts & Settings → POS Settings → Invoice Template

Note : We can preview the invoice template before choosing.
8. Spanish language support
In addition to English, Arabic, French, and German, we also provide support for the Spanish language. This support can be utilized on our Admin portal, billing system, and waiter application.

9. Modifier Quantity
This feature enables POS operator to enter the quantity of modifier added to an item. In order to enable this feature for your account kindly follow the navigation below,
Navigation: POS Admin → Accounts & Settings → POS Settings → Enable modifier quantity

While adding modifier against item under Maximum Quantity Allowed We can enter the maximum modifier quantity that can be added.
Navigation: POS Admin → Items → Items Library → View → Modifier → Maximum Quantity Allowed

Perform a force syncin frontend and then when selecting modifier against the item you will have option to add the quantity.

10. UOM (Unit Of Measurement) Creation
Navigation: Backend → Account & Settings → Unit Of Measurements → Add UOM

* Name: Name of the UOM
*UOM Type: Select the appropriate UOM Type (count).
Enable "Is Item UOM Attribute"* option
* Integer: Enter the Integer place unit (Eg. pcs)
* Decimal: Enter the decimal place unit (If available)
For more details kindly check the below link
Bug fixes
The alternate item name is now displayed in the item notes when choosing an alternate language.
Updated on: 30/10/2024
Thank you!