Release Notes - 17 December 2022
Release Notes - 17 December 2022
We have implemented the following features in our PosBytz application.
Category Discounts on PosBytz Online Store
Sharing Store URL with Contact Details
Zatca e-invoicing Phase 2
Online Food Aggregator Order Modification Flow
App Update Details
Windows Complete: v3.8.51
1. Category Discounts on PosBytz Online Store
Now we can create category level discounts for PosBytz online store. Enable "Is Online Store" while creating a discount.


2. Sharing Store URL with Contact Details
Sharing the PosBytz store URL in social media with contact details of the business.
To fill the contact details please check the navigation below
PosBytz Backend → Accounts & Settings → Settings → Store Settings → Support Contact Details

3. Zatca e-invoicing Phase 2 (Only Saudi Arabia)
In addition to Zatca Phase 1 requirements, Phase 2 enforceable starting January 1st, 2023 in waves. Zatca will process and maintain the sales invoices which are created from PosBytz. After sales QR code will get generate on the bill receipt & sales invoice.
4. Online Food Aggregator Order Modification Flow
The online orders that are modified from the food aggregator are been handled and now they will get created as a new order with the same reference to the modified order. Please check the below sample images.
Cancelled order due to modification

Modified order

Updated on: 17/12/2022
Thank you!