Employees Employees are managed in this section. There are two types of employees: Master Employee: The first employee is created by default during the account creation and is the master employee, who has access to all the features in all the locations. Under "Actions" column, you have the option to edit the details of the employee. To reset the master password, Go to Account & Settings → Settings → Change PaSome readersRoles
Roles Roles should be defined in the first place before creating an employee. Roles helps in restricting the access to features and functionalities, of website and POS for the employees. Create Role To create a role, press "Create Role" button. The following pop up opens, fill and save. Name:Few readersActivity
Activity Employees POS shift activities are listed here. The following details are displayed in the table. Id: Automatically generated shift Id. Name: Name of the employee in the shift. Clock In: Clock in shift time of POS. Clock Out: Clock out shift time of POS. Total HFew readers