Zoho Inventory Integration
Zoho Inventory Integration
Zoho account Authorization
To integrate Zoho account, we need to do authorization.
Navigation: Pos Backend → Settings → Accountings → Zoho Books → Install → Choose Zoho Inventory in the Select Mode → Enter the domain & Organization ID → Authorize → Accept → Save

Select Mode: Choose Zoho Inventory
Domain: Zoho Book domain such like .com /.in /.co.za
Organization ID: We need to enter the Zoho books organization ID.

Once the authorization is completed successfully, your Zoho Book account has been integrated with Posbytz Software.
Zoho Inventory (With inventory)
Features available in Zoho Inventory
Item Creation
Sales Invoice
Stock procurement & maintenance in Zoho
We mostly suggest to use this model in Grocery / Retail business. In this model, Sale invoice will sync to Zoho Books & item creation, inventory stock adjustment will maintained in the Zoho. Item inventory will update from Zoho to Posbytz.
To work with this model, we need to configure the webhooks & workflow in Zoho.
To configure and setup the integration. Kindly contact support@posbytz.com
Once the configuration is done, Do a sale in the POS
1. Item Creation
The items can be created and maintained in the Zoho Inventory
Navigation: Zoho Inventory → Inventory → Items

The created items will be reflected in the POS.
After the integration the sync needed to be done in the Posbytz backend to fetch the items in bulk from Zoho Inventory
Navigation: Pos Backend → Settings → Accountings → Zohobooks → Sync

2. Sales Invoice
The invoice will be synced to Zoho Inventory
Navigation: Zoho Inventory → Sales → Invoices

The refunded invoices will be synced to credit notes
Navigation: Zoho Inventory → Sales → Credit Notes

If the customer details added during the sale in POS, it will be synced to Zoho Books
Navigation: Zoho Inventory → Sales → Customers

3. Stock procurement & maintenance in zoho
The Purchase order & inventory maintenance can be done in zoho Inventory
Navigation:Zoho Inventory → Purchases → Purchase Order

To configure and setup the integration. Kindly contact support@posbytz.com
Updated on: 13/03/2023
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