Articles on: Integration

Shopify Integration

Shopify Integration

Setup & Configuration

To integrate Shopify, we need to do authorization.

Navigation: POS Backend → Accounts & Settings → Integrations → Online Store → Shopify → Install → Enter the Shop name & Access Token → Save

Shop : thriftshop108 (Taken from your shopify URL :

Access Token : Admin API Access Token

Where to get Admin API Access Token?

Navigation : Shopify account → Apps → App and sales channel settings → Develop Apps → Custom App → API Credentials

Click Reveal token once and copy & paste the token in PosBytz account.

Data Sync from Shopify

Navigation: POS Backend → Accounts & Settings → Integrations → Online Store → Shopify → Sync

Items Synced

Inventory Synced

Customer Synced

Stock update from Shopify

Navigation : Shopify account → Products → Transfers → Create transfers

Enter the required details and Save.

Click receive inventory, enter the quantity received for each item, and save. The stock gets updated to the item inventory of shopify.

Perform sync in PosBytz account for stock update.

Navigation: POS Backend → Accounts & Settings → Integrations → Online Store → Shopify → Sync


Make a sale in POS frontend.

Synced in POS backend (Admin)

POS sale got captured into Shopify account.

Inventory of those sale is reduced accordingly in Shopify.

Updated on: 11/02/2023

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