Release Notes - 28 July 2023
Release Notes - 28 July 2023
We are excited to announce that we have implemented new features and made improvements to existing ones in our PosBytz Software. This release includes a number of new features, improvements and bug fixes, all designed to enhance your experience with our application.
Here are the highlights of the new features:
Item & Variation Alternate Name Provision in POS Frontend
Void or Waste on Refund Orders
Provision to Capture the No. of Guest at the Table
Tables Report Enhancement
KOT Item Report Enhancement
QR Order Enhancements
Parent & Sub Category Mapping
Indent ⇋ Transfer Order Enhancement
1. Item & Variation Alternate Name Provision in POS Frontend
We now have provision to enter alternate language for Variation & Item name in POS frontend.
Navigation: POS Frontend → Sell → Add Item

2. Void or Waste on Refund Orders
While the POS operator performs a refund we now have provision to choose either to Void or Waste the refund order.
Void Order :By selecting the Void option, the order is not yet prepared so when taking a refund the inventory for that item will return back (The result is no inventory will be reduced).
Waste Order :By selecting the Waste option, the order is already prepared and the ingredients are consumed. A waste management entry is created automatically and it will be completed with the respective stock adjusted to waste.
Navigation: POS Frontend → Sales → Select the sale → Refund

3. Provision to Capture the No. of Guest at the Table (POS frontend & Waiter application)
Navigation: POS Frontend → Tables → Select the Table

Waiter Application:

4. Tables Sales Report Enhancement
Navigation: POS Admin → Reports → Table Sales
We now have provision to view the Total Time Occupied, Average Time Occupied per Order, Average Order Value per Customer at the particular table.
We now have provision to filter waiter order and QR order in the table.

5. KOT Item Report Enhancement
Navigation: POS Admin → Reports → KOT Item
We now have provision to view item cancellation time in the KOT item report when we click the cancelled quantity it will display the item order details along with the KOT sent time and then cancelled time.

6. QR Order Enhancements
We have now enhanced the menu view in QR ordering which will display the item alternate language.
We can add some predefined item notes which can be mapped against the item in POS admin (Backend) and user can select the notes while ordering in QR.

7. Parent & Sub Category Mapping
We now can map Parent & Sub category in POS backend. It allows you to establish connection between different categories, providing a way to group related items together.
It enables intuitive navigation and browsing, as users can explore broader categories first and then drill down into specific sub-categories.
Navigation: POS Admin → Items → Categories → Create Category

Example: For Category Burger we have sub categories as Chicken Burger and Egg Burger we can map them as below.
POS Frontend:

8. Indent ⇋ Transfer Order Enhancement
We now have provision to raise indent from one location to another location under the same account.
Requestee will raise indent request to the sender location which will be processed by approver.
The sender will check the request and create transfer order based on the available stock and then it will be verified, processed and completed by the approver.
Once the stock is received the requestee will complete the indent order he raised.
For more information contact PosBytz support.
Note: We request you to update your POS application to the latest version
Windows POS Application: 4.0.28
Updated on: 30/10/2024
Thank you!