Release Notes - 25 January 2023
Release Notes - 25 January 2023
We have implemented the following features in our PosBytz application.
Price to Quantity Flow
Table Order Edit with TOTP
Barcode Enhancement
KOT Cancellation Reasons
Discount can be created for value less than $1
1. Price to Quantity Flow
Now we can sell weight item by its price, for better understanding check the below example.
eg., Consider toor dal 1 kg is ₹100. In some retail stores customer may ask it for ₹40, In this case enter only ₹40 in price to sell, system will automatically calculate it for 0.40gm.
To configure this flow, enable the Price to Quantity Calculation on POS Admin. Please do force sync in POS Frontend.
POS Admin (Backend) → Accounts & Settings → Settings → POS Settings → Enable Price to Quantity Calculation
Note : This applies only for the items with the UOM as weight or volume

2. Table Order Edit with TOTP
Editing the billed table order can be done with TOTP authenticator from the merchant app.
To configure this flow, enable the TOTP for the roles on POS Admin. Please do force sync in POS Frontend.
POS Admin (Backend) → Employees → Roles → Edit → Accounts → Enable TOTP

Note : The Posbytz merchant app is available on Playstore & App Store

3. Barcode Enhancement
We have enhanced the custom barcode scan flow. When the custom barcode is scanned, the POS ignores the check digits.
To configure this flow on POS Admin.
POS Admin (Backend) → Accounts & Settings → Settings → POS Settings → Barcode Settings

4. KOT Cancellation Reasons
We have added two new KOT cancellation reasons
Item not available
Wrong food delivered

5. Discount can be created for value less than $1
Merchants from USA & Canada can create discount for value less than $1.

Updated on: 26/01/2023
Thank you!