Import Purchase Order
Import Purchase Order
Purchase orders are raised, approved by the authorized personnel, goods are received, GRN generated automatically, payments made against GRN’s. Once the full payment is made the PO is closed.
Expected Delivery Date: YYYY-MM-DD expected delivery date of the purchase order.
Ref Number: Reference number of the purchase order.
Multiple items under a purchase order can be imported, which are grouped under a single reference number.
Multiple purchase orders can be imported, which are grouped under different reference numbers.
Vendor Name: Vendor name from where the stock is bought. Vendor should be first created in the system to be used here.
Item Name: Name of the item variation.
SKU: SKU of the item variation.
Quantity Required: Quantity of stock to be ordered.
Single Quantity Amount: Buying price of a single item.
Tax: Tax component of the item. If the item has multiple tax components, separate tax components with comma. For example Inc SGST 2.5%,Inc CGST 2.5%
Discount Type: Item level discount, fixed or percentage.
fixed value to discount.
percentage of value to discount.
Discount Value: Value to be discounted.
Order Discount Type: Order level discount.
fixed value to discount.
percentage of value to discount.
Order Discount Value: Value to be discounted.
Selling Price: Selling price of the item. Once the po is received, the selling price will be updated in the inventory.
Location: Purchase location where stock has to be added to the inventory.
MRP: Maximum Retail Price of the item.
Billing Date: Billing date of the PO.
Note: Columns names marked with RED colour in View Sample XL sheet are mandatory fields.
Attention: Only one discount can be applied, either item level or order level discount. If both discounts are given, only the order level discount will be applied. For example if 10% discount applied on items and 20% on order. Only 20% discount will be applied.
Updated on: 06/10/2021
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