Import Discount
Import Discount
Discounts can be applied by filling in the criteria for the discounts and required details.
Name: Name of the discount ( Buy 3 get 1 free ).
Locations: Select the location(s) at which the discount has to be active.
Code: Self created coupon code which can be used to avail the discount at online store.
Valid From: Select the Start date of the discount.
Valid To: Select the End date of the discount.
Days: Select the days(Mon-Sun) on which the discount should be active. If left empty the discount will be active on all days.
Buy Criteria: Set the buy criteria (Order level, Item Level and Category).
Buy Criteria Prerequisite value: Minimum order value for the discount to be applied.
Buy Variation SKU: Sku of the item variation according to the discount.
Buy Criteria Variation Type: Unit of measurement of the item variation (qty).
Buy Criteria Variation Prerequisite Value: Minimum quantity of the item variation for the discount to be applied.
Get Criteria Type: Type of the get criteria. (fixed / percentage).
Get Criteria Value: Total discount value for the respective item.
Get Max Discount Value: Maximum discount value the customer can avail.
Get Variation SKU: Sku of the item variation the customer gets as a discount.
Get Variation Discount Type: Type of the get variation ( fixed / percentage ).
Get Variation Discount Value: Total discout value for the respective item.
Get Variation Maximum Discount Quantity: Maximum discount quantity the customer can avail.
Is Online: Enables the discount at online store as well.
Once Per Customer: The customer can apply the discount only once. ( 1=enable, 0=disable).
21: Is automatic: Triggers the discount automatically when the buy criteria is met.
Is TOTP Required: Discount is accessible only by entering the OTP available in Posbytz Merchant App.
Note: Columns names marked with RED colour in Download Sample XL sheet are mandatory fields.
Updated on: 17/12/2021
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